Student Opportunity for 4th & 5th Graders | Pacific Northwest Ballet

An upcoming inclusive creative dance class that they are piloting at Pacific Northwest Ballet  (at their Bellevue location).  As they continually strive to expand our offerings to the community, they’ve added sensory-friendly performances and have designed this class for kids ages 6-10 of all abilities, mobilities and needs. They have a small teacher student ratio and a wide range of support and strategies, and are partnering with UW’s occupational therapy department to involve OT students.

Attached is a flyer with more information. We also have flyers in a variety of languages (Amharic, Arabic, Chines, Korean, Spanish), and I’m happy to provide those, as well. There is a $125 cost for the 8-week session, though we have scholarships available so cost is not a barrier.

Shannon Kennedy